This Reeks of Desperation…

Being a desperate little bitch never works out!

Trust me – I know.

Let’s just say there was once a time *cough* when I chased a girl longer than I should of *cough, cough* and was acting like a little bitch.

Sad, right?

I desperately wanted it to “work out” with this girl named Sarah (real name. no lie) badly and was trying my best to impress her.

One time I bought her favorite stuffed animal and inside it, I put a small device so that when she squeezed it voice memos from her family would play and she wouldn’t be homesick.


Guess what?

It didn’t work out.

Sad – yes.

But, here’s what I learned…

I was trying to seek validation and my self-worth from her.

When she rejected my advances I thought there must be something wrong with me so I tried even harder.

This carried on until I realized I don’t need to be reliant on someone else to validate my self-worth.

Now I know who I am and DONT kowtow around people (thanks Sarah).

Having confidence and conviction in yourself is the key element to leading a happy life and being successful.

If you want something in your life don’t look to others for approval or validation.

You ARE enough.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Make shit happen for yourself and be the master of your domain.

Self Improve.

Start businesses.

Build foundations.

Be bold.

Bet on you.


Who Is Matthew Baltzell?

Hey, I’m Matthew
I’m a real estate investor and founder.
Investors turn to me when they’re stuck and need to supercharge their brand to raise more capital through podcasting and cutting edge marketing strategies.

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