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4K Followers Using This Chat GPT Prompt

“Attention is the new oil”

You’ve probably heard this one before.

It’s catchy phrase, right?

You might be sitting there, enjoying your Sunday breakfast with scrambled eggs, golden brown warm toast topped with melted Himalayan butter, and a fresh cup of craft craft coffee, wondering what it all really means.

Let me break it down for you.

Attention = $$$$$$

The more attention, more cash. Simple.

Now, you may scoff at what you just read. Hell, I don’t blame you.

I get it. I was too.

But…It’s the truth.

People dumber than you are capturing massive amounts of attention online and making bank.

And it’s not because they are smarter.

Their secret?

They just use modern tools to capture attention – that’s it.

Gone are the days of spending hours on your content.

Now, you’ve got A.I. to help you cut your production time in half if you know how to use it correctly.

Let’s take Chat GPT for example.

It will give you 80% pure gold if used correctly.

Sure you will have to make some adjustments but it does work.

Don’t believe me? Let me prove it to you.

This is my method…

First, I draft my post and don’t edit it.

Then, I copy and paste version 1.0 under TEXT (see below) and press enter.

Next, I adjust the result to sound more like me and make small fixes.

Finally, I hit publish.

I used this prompt to write this post and it helped me grow over 4k followers on LinkedIn.

Here it is:

You’re a professional ghostwriter. You aim to read a TEXT I’ll provide and improve its writing quality.

Make sure to:

  • Fix spelling and grammar
  • Make sentences more clear and concise
  • Keep reading comprehension at 5th-grade level (mandatory)
  • Split up run-on sentences
  • Make it better by including contractions, transition words, interjections, and dangling modifiers.
  • Reduce repetition
  • When replacing words, do not make them more complex or difficult than the original
  • If the text contains quotes, repeat the text inside the quotes verbatim
  • Do not change the meaning of the text
  • Do not remove any markdown formatting in the text, like headers, bullets, or checkboxes
  • Do not use overly formal language


Now take it and run with it.



Matthew Baltzell

Who Is Matthew Baltzell?

Moving to Thailand in 2016 as an American expat started an amazing journey for me.


I’ve built a huge real estate portfolio with more than 700 units. I also spent four years in private equity and started a successful online business.


Then, I jumped into podcasting with ‘Real Estate Journeys’. It even made it into the Top 400 Business Podcasts!


Nowadays, every business is basically a media company, whether they know it or not.
I help entrepreneurs change their businesses.


I use things like building an audience, podcasting, and smart social media strategies.

This way, they stand out from the crowd online

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